Mediation and Collaborative Law

Resolve your issues without going to Court


Maureen is Family Law Mediator accredited by the Law Society of British Columbia. She understands the value of mediation as a transformative process in separation and divorce. It is an effective and affordable way for you to settle your differences with your spouse.

Mediation is voluntary and you will be encouraged to seek legal advice before attending mediation.  A mediator will not make decisions for you but helps the two of you to come to your own agreement.   It is helpful to obtain pre-mediation advice from a lawyer prior to scheduling mediation.  You may have your lawyers attend mediation with you. Secure videoconferencing is also an option.

The costs of mediation are shared equally between you.

Collaborative Family Law

Collaborative Law is another alternative dispute resolution process where you and your spouse work together with lawyers who practice collaborative family law to find acceptable solutions that work for both of you.

You and your spouse sign an agreement to work together to resolve your issues without going to court.   You will work with a specially trained team of collaborative professionals which may include Child Specialists, Divorce Coaches and Financial Specialists to create a legally binding agreement.